
Re-launching Mixpanel (again)

Posted by
Nate McGuire in Development category

2023 Mixpanel Website Launch

In 2023, Mixpanel re-designed their website, which the Mayven Studios Team helped to build. It’s a super fast headless website with WordPress as the CMS backend. We’re very excited to continue the relationship with Mixpanel as they take their branding and company to the next level!

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Re-launching Mixpanel 2023


2019 Website Update

Editor’s note: We’ve worked with Mixpanel for a long time! We re-launched their site, again, in 2023.

After many hours of work and amazing effort from the Mixpanel and Mayven teams, we’re excited to announce the relaunch of the website!  With an updated design as a result of the rebranding process, Mixpanel is able to better speak to their target customers and build brand equity through a clean, beautiful design.

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