
4 Ways to Differentiate Your Agency Pitch (And Win More Business)

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David Appleyard in Development category

Winning high quality clients, reliably, is all about making a great first impression with your pitch. But it’s not just about having a well-designed slide deck.

The way you speak, share ideas, and present your services all share a part in showing your potential clients that you’re the perfect fit. If you get these right, you won’t need to worry about the competition.

“You really need to be able to convey what you do in the first 30 to 60 seconds.” – Sanjay Parekh, serial entrepreneur and founder of Startup Riot.

If you can start your pitch with a powerful and well-considered opening statement, establishing your calibre within the first few minutes, everything will be easier from that point on. It’s all about preparation. Start by following these tips to make your next pitch truly remarkable!

1. Meet Face-To-Face

According to a research conducted by the IMEX Group, people not only pay more attention, but also tend to be more creative, when having meetings in-person (rather than virtually).

“Working together face-to-face generates more ideas, plus a marginally higher quality and a greater variety of ideas, compared to undertaking the same task either on the phone or via video link.”

The biggest problem with video and voice-only meetings is that it’s more difficult to make a personal connection with the person on the other end of the webcam. When you’re meeting a client face-to-face, it gives you the opportunity to make small-talk, get to know each other, and more easily bond on a personal level.

Even more importantly, meeting in person also gives you the advantage of using body language to present your pitch more effectively (as well as reading your prospect’s body language and reactions).

Of course, there are times when it isn’t possible to meet face-to-face. So don’t skimp on a very professional setup for your video calls. You’ll want a high definition camera, a standalone mic, a fast connection, and a professional environment in which to take the call. Treat it as though you’d invited that client into your office in person.

2. Avoid a Generic Pitch

All the charisma in the world won’t convince a potential client if you can’t back your pitch with solid examples of work. You need to show that you’re more than capable of handling their project.

Don’t expect to have a single portfolio that works for every client.

Take the time to find relevant examples of your past accomplishments that relate closely to the industry in question. If your client is a luxury brand, there’s little value in showing them a recent design for a construction company (however pixel-perfect you thought that landing page was!)

Don’t have a suitable design that falls into your client’s industry? No problem. In that case, it’s all about showing that while you haven’t worked in that niche before, you understand the unique challenges that it brings.

Look at the types of marketing and design put in place by similar companies and competitors. Learn the type of approach they tend to take, and then bring that knowledge back to your pitch.

Shark Tank is a popular “startup pitch” reality TV series. Watching any episode, you’ll notice that a key requirement for success is for the founder to find a way to relate to each investor’s field of business (and convince them how they can benefit from investing). The startups that win investment almost always get this part right.

Understanding your client’s company culture, background, and their previous successes and failures will give you an opportunity to personalize your pitch to relate to their unique challenges.

3. Set Clear Expectations

Your future client doesn’t expect you to solve all their problems on day one. If you don’t have an answer to a particular question or problem, be frank and just say so. It’s a clear sign of integrity. You’ll be well-served by taking the approach of “I’m sorry, we don’t provide that type of service at the moment. But, let me discuss this with the team and get back to you.”

Only you know what level and range of services your team is able to provide (and how far you’re happy to stretch your expertise for a project). It’s important to communicate this to the client. Expand on your strengths, but don’t shy away from your weaknesses. Get started on an honest foundation that sets clear expectations for you and the client.

Keep an open mind and a positive attitude when providing a solution to a client’s problems, and they won’t hesitate to follow your vision for the project. And importantly, don’t be afraid to bring your own ideas to the table. That’s where your value lies (not in just following the direction or requests from the client without adding your own suggestions).

If you stay confident throughout the pitch, especially while discussing the tricky challenges of the project, you’ll have a solid chance of success.

4. Provide An All-In-One Solution

You can stand out from the crowd by offering your client an all-in-one solution. For example, if you’re pitching for a website design project, why stop at just the design? Consider how you could also be pitching for a custom CMS, mobile app, and more (either up-front, or as part of a long-term partnership with the client).

Don’t worry about having to expand your development team. This is exactly the type of project that CodeMyViews are experts at working with you on. You can pitch for bigger (and more lucrative work), and the client will be happy to have it all handled by a single agency. It’s a win-win.

Punch above your weight, and work with a professional team to expand the services you’re able to offer!

Digital Agency in San Francisco & Silicon Valley

Mayven Studios is a full-service design and development agency based in San Francisco. We specialize in building custom websites, scalable web applications, and enterprise-grade WordPress solutions. Trusted by startups, Fortune 500 companies, and venture-backed brands, we deliver world-class digital products that drive results.